What is The Rooftop
The Rooftop is a global movement that invites churches and individuals to join Jesus in His Mission — ‘to seek and to save what was lost’ (Luke 19:10).
Joining Jesus in His Mission
God is passionate about lost people – ‘Heaven rejoices over one sinner who repents’!
Tragically many who attend church regularly do not share His passion and are not motivated, or equipped to tell others about Jesus.
As a result there are now millions of people growing up in a world where they know little or nothing of Jesus — a new reality!
This has to change, it is time for Christians to be envisioned and equipped to Join Jesus in His Mission and share the gospel with the ever-increasing number of lost people who are beyond the walls of the church!
The Rooftop
‘The Rooftop’ is based upon the moment in scripture when Peter went to a Rooftop to pray (Acts 10:1-11:18).
On the rooftop Peter had an Encounter with God and received a fresh vision of God’s heart for the lost.
After this Encounter, he went beyond the walls of all that he had ever known to Engage with lost people. As a result, God’s Kingdom could Expand across the world and millions of people became followers of Jesus.
Christians and churches today need to ‘go to the rooftop’, to encounter God and receive a fresh vision of HIS heart for the lost and Join Jesus in His Mission.
To enable this, The Rooftop has developed The Rooftop Three Step Process:
The Rooftop Three Step Process

Go to a rooftop to seek a fresh vision of God’s heart for the lost.
The Rooftop Encounter is an opportunity to gather on a rooftop look across the community and seek a fresh vision of God’s heart for lost people.

Equip Christians to engage with lost people beyond the walls of the church.
‘Engage’ materials have been created to envision and equip Christians to share the gospel with people who do not attend church.

Equip Christians to make disciples who make disciples.
‘Expand’ Materials have been created that will enable Christians to make disciples of people who do not come to church and then equip them to make disciples.
Where is The Rooftop happening?
The Rooftop Movement is rapidly expanding in countries across the world, below are links to more information about where The Rooftop is currently happening:
A key focus is a unique event that we pray will lead to a global awakening:

On 10th October 2020 We are planning a global Rooftop Encounter.
On this day churches all over the world will go to a rooftop, hill, or other high place, look across the local community and pray! The prayer will be a passionate plea for God to revive us and give them a fresh vision of His heart for the lost and the passion to Join Jesus in His Mission.