My name is Paul Basnet. I am Pastor of a local Church. The name of my Church is Anugraha Jyoti Church. I was born into a Hindu family in remote village area where there was no road, electricity or even a Lower Secondary school.
When I finished my Primary Level School, I went to another village for a new Lower Secondary School and had to walk for 5 hours. I have seen many struggles in my life. I went to another village for my Secondary School education at the age of 12 and stayed in a rented house there. When I finished my school leaving Certificate level, I came to the city for my further study. God gave me that opportunity to be trained for God’s work. It was very hard.
My father was a Hindu Priest. I used to read and practice all the rituals and read Hindu scriptures. I found as I read, that there is a god of gods – Shiva was worshiping another unknown God for a thousand years. I wanted to know who that God is. When I heard the Gospel, I found the real God and His Son, Jesus and accepted the Lord as my personal saviour.
From that day I started to go to Church regularly. I joined Bible College and finished my M.Div. and started one new Church in Kathmandu, Nepal. I love to teach and train our people and plant Churches in our community. I have one wife; she is helping in my ministries and my son is studying Biology at grade 11.