My name is Pum Sawm Mang and you can also call me Mangpu. I am from Myanmar. I was born and grew up in a Christian family and in 1998 I attended a Gospel camp and there I received Jesus Christ as my personal saviour and Lord.
Since that time I have had. a deep passion in my heart for lost souls and I prayed, and then decided to s to study the word of God in the seminary and after that to serve Him. Between 2003-2006 God opened the way for me to study theology at Bethel Bible College in my country and I graduated with a B. Th. Following my study at Bethel, between 2007-2010 God continually opened the way for me to study and, I gained my M. Div in India.
In 2011 I came back to my county and in 2013 i was married . In June 2014 with my lovely wife we started a. children’s. ministry among Buddhist poor people in Yangon which is the capital city in Myanmar. On Feb 25th, 2018 we planted a house church called Lifeway Church.
I am honoured to be national pioneer of The Rooftop in Myanmar.