Rajesh Malaki
Asia Regional Pioneer

Rajesh was born in 1966 in Mumbai in a godly Christian family. He accepted Lord Jesus Christ as Lord and savior at the age of 15 and thereafter starting sharing the love of Jesus immediately with the strong passion to love and serve God all the days of his life, his continual love and commitment with the Lord Jesus Christ and ups and down in the spiritual journey had been crucial to grow in the image
He serves as Lead Pastor of Full Gospel Church, Jaipur Rajasthan with a driving passion to see lives changed and discipled by the gospel of Jesus Christ in Jaipur area and beyond. Full Gospel Church, Jaipur has grown into a community of believers who exist to accomplish the mission of connecting people to Jesus for life change…
Rajesh spent considerable time in Colleges and Universities in India. He has earned degrees Masters in Business Administration, Law Degree and PhD in Business and Management form Pune University. He also has a good Corporate Experience as Business & Training Consultant (Business Development, Operations & Training)
He is also involved with the Fellowship of Indian Missiologists, Lausanne Movement, and served as Regional Director –North with Haggai Institute-India. Presently serves as a Training & Business Development Consultant to different Leadership & Training Organizations.
Involved in training, encouragement and friendship with ministers through Leadership Conferences and visits.
Rajesh enjoys encouraging students & Market Place Professionals in their faith and to pursue their passions.
Rajesh has ministered and travelled extensively across the world. Rajesh has authored many academic and inspirational articles.
Rajesh enjoys developing leaders, watching cricket, eating good food, running, and spending time with family.
Rajesh and his wife Olive reside in Jaipur,Rajasthan, North West India with their two children, daughter Aradhana and son Anugrah .