My name is Emmanuel Ukachukwu Ejinma, a Christian from the eastern part of Nigeria born in the northern city of Kano and now living in the western city of Lagos.
Although raised in a Baptist home in the fear of the Lord, with an upbringing of ” Train up a child in the way he should go …….” I never made a personal decision to give all over to Christ until I was twenty-one years old during a revival meeting in Kano (Northern Nigeria).
Years later, I moved to Lagos and was active in the circular business. Little did I know that The Lord needed me to be actively involved in His own business. When the call came I resisted and sought for “signs and wonders” to be sure that The Lord was indeed calling me into an active ministry.
By the special Grace of God, after seven years of struggle with the call, I surrendered having lost all my money in business and with the shame of a huge debt to pay.
While in Kano I served in the Church Training Program of Peniel Baptist Church as the secretary and moderator . I am an Associate Pastor in charge of Education and Training arm of Grace Impacts Church in Lagos. I also have a Bachelor of Arts in Theology.
I am married to Priscilla Ejinma and we are blessed with a lovely son, Emmanuel Ejinma Jr.