My name is Josoa Salama Emmanuel (called Najo). I am married with one wife and we have four children: one daughter and three sons. I was born in the south-west of Madagascar. After I gained my High School Diploma (qualifying for university entrance) in 1996, I went to the capital of Madagascar where I studied management for four years (I lived alone and never went to church). One day, I was invited to go to church to attend the youth group where my position as a sinner, the problem and the seriousness of sin, the Good News of salvation was explained to me. On that day (April 2000), by the work of the Holy Spirit, I recognized that I was lost, blind, in darkness, a sinner in need of God’s Grace to save me, to open my eyes, to call me out into his wonderful light – the fruit of his Grace and his election, I accepted Jesus as my personal Savior and my Lord, by believing and repenting. God has changed me since 2000. To Him alone be the Glory.
One year after my conversion, I went to Bible School (2001 – 2004) where I met my wife. After my study I worked in the Bible School for two years as an accountant and after that (2006 – 2010), I went to the High Evangelical Theology Institute where I have gained my Masters in Theology. Now, I am the one of the elders in the Bible Baptist Church in Antananarivo, teacher in Bible School (Bible Baptist Seminary, Regional Baptist Bible School, Evangelical Bible School), and the General Secretary of the Association of the Bible Baptist Church in Madagascar.
“ But as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD”. Joshua 24:15