Engaging in The Rooftop process will inspire and equip the church to join Jesus in His mission by making disciples who make disciples
The Rooftop process consists of three steps that flow into each other as follows:
To describe the first step in the process we have ‘created’ a word that is a combination of ‘Prayer’ and ‘Preparation’ ‘PRAYERPARATION’.
There is a deep significance underlying the creation of this word. We feel it is vital that the process of Joining Jesus in His Mission does not begin with us deciding what we are planning to do and then asking God to join us in helping our plans to be successful.
Rather, The Rooftop process is built upon a foundation of us seeking to join God in what He is doing and then making plans that facilitate this. Consequently, prayer which involves ‘seeing’ what God is doing and ‘hearing’ what is on His heart are the necessary foundation and intrinsic part of all the practical preparation that will be necessary.
In Acts chapter 10, Peter went to a rooftop to pray and had an encounter with God that changed his entire perspective on how he should join Jesus in His mission.
At the heart of The Rooftop is a unique MOMENT that provides an opportunity for Christians to gather on a roof, hill or other high place, look across their community and seek a fresh vision of God’s heart for the lost, we call this an Encounter.
A key distinctive of a Rooftop Encounter is that those who gather do not ask God to ‘love the city’ but recognise that He already does. During the Encounter those who are gathered are helped to look at the city from God’s perspective, to see what He sees and then to pray and ask God to fill them with His passion for those who are beyond the walls of the church – a paradigm shift.
Following his ‘paradigm-shifting’ encounter with God on a rooftop, Peter went beyond the walls of all that he had ever known and began what became a global disciple-making movement.
The passion and longing of The Rooftop is that in our time we will see an awakening of the church that results in a global disciple-making MOVEMENT among people who are beyond the walls of the church. To facilitate this, we have produced a variety of learning opportunities that will inspire and equip Christians to passionately Join Jesus in His Mission by becoming disciples who make disciples who make disciples.
We are praying that as churches across the world connect with The Rooftop process the result will be that 1,000,000 disciples are made in 100 countries and all the glory goes to God.
To enable you to implement The Rooftop process we have produced a number of resources.
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