The Vision

Since becoming a Christian from a ‘never-churched’ background, Rev Dennis Pethers, the Founder of The Rooftop has longed to see a global awakening that will result in the church becoming what Jesus always intended.

The church that Jesus is building is not a place or an institution, but a movement of disciples, all over the world.  It is a global community of followers who are united behind Jesus and His Mission ‘to seek and to save what was lost’ (Luke 19:10) by making disciples who make disciples among all the people of the world.

Tragically, so many churches seem to have forgotten the urgency of the mission of Jesus, and the passion of God for those who are beyond the walls. They have become focused primarily on what happens inside the walls!

The Rooftop is a ministry that is preparing for, and longing to see the church experience a global awakening that will result in a movement of disciples making disciples among those that are beyond the walls of the church.

We are seeking to make 1,000,000 disciples in 100 countries across the world.


Why ‘The Rooftop’?

The Rooftop ministry takes its name from the account of Peter on The Rooftop in Acts chapter 10.

In the first nine chapters of Acts, the gospel had been shared almost exclusively with people from a ‘Jewish faith background’.  These people were familiar with Jewish traditions, believed in the scriptures and had been brought up with an understanding of God. For Peter to be willing to go outside of the walls that he had spent his life behind, Peter needed to be radically changed!

God’s passion is for the whole world and all people. He wanted Peter to take the gospel outside the walls, to the gentiles, those who were not familiar with the religious traditions and who did not have a clear understanding of God.


On the rooftop, Peter had an encounter with God that challenged him to the core and resulted in a deep transformation. He began, in a whole new way, to see beyond what he had always understood, to see things from God’s perspective and to understand God’s passion for people that he had always viewed as ‘those outside’.  This ‘paradigm shift’ was essential, for the gospel to go beyond the walls, Peter needed this deep transformation.

He had to understand that God’s passion is for those who were ‘outside’ of the walls.

As a result of his encounter with God on the rooftop, Peter went outside of the walls and communicated the gospel to the people outside.  This was the beginning of a global disciple-making movement.

It is time for the church to look beyond our religious customs and traditions, to see things from God’s perspective and connect with the millions upon millions of people who have little or no understanding of the message of Jesus.

The Rooftop ministry provides a unique and unprecedented opportunity for Christians to have an Encounter with God. A MOMENT, that will enable them, like Peter on the rooftop  to see lost people from God’s perspective and then, with a new passion, to join Jesus in His mission – A MOVEMENT


Find out more about how The Rooftop process can help the church to Join Jesus in His Mission?


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