Thought for the Week – 8th May 2016 – Dennis Pethers

 In Joining Jesus

When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd. So he began teaching them many things.  Mark 6:34

 We considered this bible verse at the start of last week but I feel that there is something so important here that I want to look at it again before moving on.

 The challenge that I find is that it is so much easier to look at people from my perspective rather than God’s.  When I do this I find that I can easily decide who I think I should share the gospel with rather than remembering that it is God’s harvest field and He invites me to accept His invitation to join Him in what He is doing.

 An evangelist in Johannesburg once told me how she prided herself on being an evangelist but, on one occasion, saw a group of people on a train that she didn’t approve of so, rather than sharing Jesus with them, she went to the to the other end of the carriage and prayed that God would save them! 

 This week, as you ask God to help you to see people as He sees them go a little deeper and ask Him to see them with the same compassion that Jesus had on the crowds that He saw.

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