Thought for the Week – 5th February 2017

 In Joining Jesus

Jesus gave them this answer: “Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does. John 5:19

Over the past few weeks I have shared some stories of deep things that Christians saw as they gathered on a rooftop and looked across the city of London.

Where is your ‘rooftop?’

As you read this question you may already be thinking of a high place in the city/town village where you live. Let me suggest somewhere a little more convenient.

In your home I am sure that there is a room with a view. A window through which you can see out into the street, and within sight are other homes, maybe shops, a school, ……. Each of these places is filled with people that God sent Jesus to save.

As you spend time, perhaps each day, with the Lord reading the bible and praying you could make this ‘room with a view’ the place where you do this. You could ask Him to help you to see what He sees and what He is doing. You could ask Him to work in your heart in such a way that He will be able to use you to join Him in reaching the people.

This week, I encourage you to find your rooftop and then be ready to join Jesus in His Mission.

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