Thought for the Week 29th January 2017

 In Joining Jesus

29th January
Jesus gave them this answer: “Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does. John 5:19

I have mentioned, over the past couple of weeks, some of the experiences of God that leaders had as we looked across the vast expanse of London from the terrace of the Alexander Palace.

It wasn’t only the other leaders, God also spoke to me in a way that was very simple but enormously powerful.

Having looked across the city from the edge of the terrace I stepped back inside a small covered area to pray and reflect upon what I had seen. Then, after a few minutes, I looked out again to remind myself of the view and there, just a few feet in front of me, there was a young man standing directly in my sight line and talking loudly into his phone.

My first and instinctive thought was ‘what is he doing standing in the way of my view!?’ He was speaking so loudly into his phone that I couldn’t help hearing what he was saying. It was pretty clear after listening for just a few seconds that he was having a very heated argument with his girl friend, or maybe wife. Without realizing it, I had forgotten about ‘the view’ and my focus was on this young man. Then, very abruptly, he walked away, still yelling down the phone.

I found myself praying! I didn’t know much about his circumstances but it was clear that all was not well.
I believe that sometimes we don’t have to look too far to see the needs that people have and to join with Jesus in His mission to reach these people.

As you go through this week, consider ‘Who has the Lord put in my way? and then, be ready to Join Jesus in His Mission.

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