Thought for the Week 22nd January 2017

 In Joining Jesus

22nd January

Jesus gave them this answer: “Very truly I tell you, the Son can do nothing by himself; he can do only what he sees his Father doing, because whatever the Father does the Son also does. John 5:19

What do you see the Father doing as you go through your daily life? 

This is a question that I have asked many Christians and most frequently the answer that I receive is that it doesn’t occur to them to even be looking! 

It is so easy to just see all that is around us and not look to see what God is doing, things become very familiar and we have no expectation of Gods supernatural activity.

While we were on the rooftop in Haringey one of the leaders shared that as he looked across the city what he immediately saw literally thousands of buildings.  He continued to say that as he asked to see what God sees he began to realize that the buildings were filled with people that Jesus came to seek and to save.   He realized that it is people that God is interested in!

What he said next was a powerful challenge, he said that we often think of the church as a building that we are trying to get people into rather than people who are on mission with God!

 How differently might you see things if you saw people both within, and outside of the church as the thing that God is most passionate about?

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