The Rooftop Core Values

 In News

By John Whaley – US National Pioneer

Last month, Dennis Pethers and I sat down at a dining room table and defined the Core Values of The Rooftop . These are the values that drive us as a ministry. These are the values that define who we are and what we are most passionate about as we “Join Jesus in His Mission”.

Core Value #1       Proclamation of the Gospel

We believe that the gospel must be proclaimed in ways that are biblical and relevant to people wherever they are.

We are living in a new reality where an increasing number of people no longer attend church. If they are to hear the Good News, then we have to go to where they are.  We have to engage them in conversation and tell them our story and His story. Joining Jesus in His Mission involves doing what Jesus did when He was on the earth…engaging those He was among.

Core Value #2     Partnership wherever possible

We will actively seek to partner with churches and ministries for the expansion of the Kingdom.

In Philippians 1, Paul commended the church in Philippi for their partnership in the Gospel. Paul understood, as we do, that the expansion of the Kingdom takes place as churches and ministries work together in proclaiming the Gospel to all the nations. Therefore, we actively seek to partner with those who have a passion to “Go and make disciples of all nations…” (Matthew 28:19)

Core Value #3     Pursuit of God’s Kingdom

We are a Kingdom First movement; The Rooftop is His ministry, not ours.

In Matthew 6:31, Jesus taught us to “seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness.” We seek first the Kingdom by recognizing that He is Lord of our lives and Lord of this ministry. The Rooftop is His ministry. We are simply joining Him in His mission of awakening churches to His heart for lost people and equipping them to engage those they are among who are far from God.

Core Value #4     Passion for Jesus and the lost

We join Jesus in His mission because our passion is to see lost people experience God’s love and forgiveness.

In Luke 19:10, Jesus clearly defined why He came. He came “to seek and to save the lost.” Jesus was passionate about engaging people and telling them how they could experience God’s love and the forgiveness of sin. As His followers, we too are passionate to see those who are far from Him come to know Him. We are passionate about engaging them with our story and His story. That is why we do what we do. Everyday we have the opportunity to live out the greatest adventure on earth…Joining Jesus in His Mission and watching Him transform lives.

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