The Rooftop Discipleship Summit
London, UK – 22 June 2024
Venue: Frampton Park Baptist Church, Frampton Park Rd, London E9 7PQ
Date: Saturday 22 June 2024
Time: 9:30am to 4:00pm
9:30am Arrival, Tea & Coffee
10:00am Welcome, opening prayer and worship – Host – Rev. Torquil Allen
10:30am Session 1: The Rooftop Vision and The Movement of Disciple-making outside the walls – Rev. Dennis Pethers
11:30am Session 2 The mission of Jesus – Rev. Stephen Gaukroger
12:30pm Lunch
1:30pm Session 3 Mindset Shifts – Rev. Paul Grinyer
2:30pm Break
3:00pm Session 4 Now Peter Go Do – Rev. Phil Moore
3:45pm Q&A
4:00pm Close
9:30am Arrival, Tea & Coffee
10:00am Welcome, opening prayer and worship – Host – Rev. Torquil Allen
10:30am Session 1: The Rooftop Vision and The Movement of Disciple-making outside the walls – Rev. Dennis Pethers
11:30am Session 2 The mission of Jesus – Rev. Stephen Gaukroger
12:30pm Lunch
1:30pm Session 3 Mindset Shifts – Rev. Paul Grinyer
2:30pm Break
3:00pm Session 4 Now Peter Go Do – Rev. Phil Moore
3:45pm Q&A
4:00pm Close
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Speaker Profiles
Session 1: Rev. Dennis Pethers – The Rooftop Founder and International Pioneer
Since graduating from Spurgeon’s College, Dennis has pastored a church and then led Viz-A-Viz Ministries, a UK-wide ministry for 20 years. In 2012 Dennis began The Rooftop as a global disciple-making movement that would inspire and equip the church to join Jesus in His Mission by making disciples who make disciples outside of the walls of the church.
Session 2: Rev. Stephen Gaukroger – Chairman
His ministry began in a local church context, after gaining a degree in business and then a theological degree and pastoral diploma from Spurgeon’s College. For 14 years he oversaw remarkable church growth as Senior Pastor of Stopsley Baptist Church, Luton, before spending 12 years as Senior Minister of Gold Hill Baptist Church in Buckinghamshire – one of the largest Baptist churches in England.
During his years as a local church leader Stephen was also President of the Baptist Union of Great Britain (1994-1995)
Session 3: Rev. Paul Grinyer
Paul also studied at Spurgeon’s College and since has led 5 Baptist Churches including 2 in Germany. Paul has a Pastor’s heart and longs to see the church in Europe fully realise its role in Jesus’ mission. Two years ago he relocated to his home town of St Andrews, Scotland to support his aging mum. From there he is serving as a Missional Consultant and Coach, particularly in the St Andrews area, but also more widely.
Session 4: Rev. Phil Moore – Pioneer of Disciple Making Movements
Phil is an author, speaker and teacher based in London, UK
Phil came to faith as a student at Cambridge University and was trained within the New frontiers family of churches. He serves as a teacher, speaker, spiritual mentor and encourager of churches, both in the UK and beyond. He is the author of “The Bible in 100 Pages” and the “Straight to the Heart” series of devotional commentaries.
Rev. Torquil Allen – The Rooftop UK Pioneer & Event Host
Torquil Allen has been part of the Frampton Park Baptist Church family in Hackney East London for more than 23 years. During his time, he has been a church Leader for 14 years, 8 of which were as Pastor.
Torquil has a passion to see the kingdom of God transform the lives of God’s children, who join Jesus in His mission to advance His Kingdom – and is very excited to be involved in the Rooftop as it aligns with his heart and Jesus’ mission
Phil came to faith as a student at Cambridge University and was trained within the New frontiers family of churches. He serves as a teacher, speaker, spiritual mentor and encourager of churches, both in the UK and beyond. He is the author of “The Bible in 100 Pages” and the “Straight to the Heart” series of devotional commentaries.

Founder & Int. Pioneer

International Chairman

UK Pioneer
Also featuring a host of international & local speakers