Rooftop Perspectives
Rooftop Perspectives is a weekly broadcast hosted by John Whaley and Michael Brewer featuring teaching and interviews focused on helping Christians encounter God, engage the lost, and expand the Kingdom.
Rooftop Perspectives: A Converation with Sammy Tippitt Part One
Rooftop Perspectives: A Conversation with Larry Lane Part Two
A Conversation with Larry Lane (Part One)
Joining Jesus at the Olympics: A Conversation with Frank Shelton
Rooftop Perspectives: Joining Jesus
Rooftop Perspectives: Joining Jesus
Rooftop Perspectives: Joining Jesus
Rooftop Perspectives: Joining Jesus
Rooftop Perspectives: Joining Jesus
Rooftop Perspectives: The Joining Jesus Journey
Rooftop Perspectives: A Conversation with Rajesh Malaki
Rooftop Perspectives: The Joining Jesus Journey