Rev Dennis Pethers
Founder and International Pioneer, The Rooftop

Dennis Pethers was born and brought up just on the edge of London, England and came from a background where church did not feature at all. He never went to church, his family never went to church and nobody in the street where he lived went to church. As Dennis puts it “I didn’t know that I didn’t go to church—and I didn’t know that I didn’t know Jesus”!
Dennis came to know Jesus as a result of his boss giving him the book ‘Mere Christianity’ to read. As he read the book, he discovered a truth that was just staggering, “God doesn’t just exist, He loves me enough to die for me.” This truth blew his mind and grabbed his heart – it seemed too good to be true, ‘the creator of the universe and source of all life being willing to die for people who don’t deserve it!’ But it is true and his life was changed forever.
This encounter with God filled Dennis’ life with a new passion and he wanted everybody to hear this amazing news about who Jesus was and what he had done for them. Nobody that he knew (except his boss) had any idea of what the gospel was and he quickly discovered, that most Christians aren’t that keen to share it!
This passion grew and he left his job in London and trained for the ministry at Spurgeon’s College. Since graduating Dennis has pastored a church and then led Viz-A-Viz Ministries, a UK-wide ministry for 20 years. In 2012 Dennis began The Rooftop as a global disciple-making movement that would inspire and equip the church to join Jesus in His Mission by making disciple who make disciples outside of the walls of the church.
Dennis is married to Lynn and they have three grown-up children, Gregg, Scott and Amy.