Resources for equipping disciples to make disciples.
The Rooftop has produced resources that can be used to equip the church to join Jesus in His Mission and make disciples who make disciples beyond the walls of the church.
Resources in English
To print the written materials in Black and White (or Grey Scale), download the colour version and use your printer settings to print in black and white/grey scale. Alternatively photocopy a colour version using the machine settings to print in black and white/grey scale.
Joining Jesus Written Resources
Joining Jesus Video Resources
Session One: The Purpose Of Prayer
Session Two: Lord, Teach Us To Pray
Session Three: Praying With Ears And Eyes Open
Session Four: Preparing For The Rooftop Encounter
Session Five: Attitude
Session Six: Among
Session Seven: Available
Session Eight: Action
Session Nine: Discipleship and Evangelism
Session Ten: Discipleship and Discovery
Session Eleven: Discipleship and Decision
Session Twelve: Discipleship and Display
Global Encounter Promotional Video
Promotional Resources
Promotional Video
Logo Downloads
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Logo download options:
Click on the image and then left click and “save image as”
Click on the image and then left click and “save image as”
Other Logo download options:
Click on the image and then left click and “save image as”
Click on the image and then left click and “save image as”