The Rooftop Resources

“Many Christians have a deep desire to Join Jesus in His Mission but they have never been equipped.

The Rooftop has produced resources that can be used to inspire and equip Christians to become disciple who make disciples who make disciples beyond the walls of the church”.

Dennis Pethers, Founder and International Pioneer


The Rooftop resources:

  • are based on the way that Jesus made disciples. He did this by:
    • Ensuring that they were with Him among the people, not behind the walls of a building
    • Allowing the disciples to ‘learn-by-doing’
    • Creating a small learning community that learned from Him and one another
  • are written to be used in a small ‘team’ context but are very flexible and can be used with larger groups, one-on-one or for personal learning
  • follow the steps of The Rooftop process but can be used selectively as an aid to your progress


You will be able to work through The Rooftop process by using the Joining Jesus materials that we have provided.  These will equip the church to understand what the mission of Jesus is, why they should join Him in His mission and provide practical equipping that will enable them to make disciples beyond the walls of the church.

To help you to raise awareness of The Rooftop to the church(es) we have created a variety of materials that can be used to communicate the vision of The Rooftop as well as provide practical details/updates that will help the church(es) to know what is happening and become fully involved.

For more details and to download these resources please scroll down the page.

Joining Jesus Resources

Facilitator's Guide

The Rooftop Resources

Disciples' Journal

The Rooftop Resources


In addition to the Joining Jesus equipping materials, we have produced some additional materials that can be used to further equip/provide practical opportunities to enable followers of Jesus to join Him in His mission.

Care & Share

Care & Share logo

As He engaged in His mission, Jesus both cared for people’s needs and shared the good news of the Kingdom with them. As His followers, it is important that Christians are equipped to care and share if they are to reach people who are beyond the walls of the church.

Care & Share is filled with helpful bible teaching notes that tell followers of Jesus how He reached people, simple role-plays that show how they can do this, and, most importantly, practical action—we let people have a go and then reflect on what they have experienced!

Tip-for-use: Care & Share is an ideal course to equip Christians to Join Jesus in His Mission among the people that they meet in their daily lives.

Leader’s Manual


Personal Journal

The Rooftop Resources

Engaging Through Story

Consisting of video and written teaching materials, Engaging Through Story is a six session course equipping Christians to communicate the message of Jesus by sharing the story of what God IS DOING in their lives, listening to the story of the person that they are talking with and then sharing the story of Jesus.

Engaging Through Story Promo Video

A key feature of Engaging Through Story is a variety of faith stories that can be downloaded to phones/tablets and used to begin a conversation. These are available at

Leader’s Manual

Engaging Through Story Leader's Manual Cover

Personal Manual

Engaging Through Story Personal Journal Cover


The Rooftop is producing equipping resources and making them available to churches and Christians all over the world at no cost. We do this because we are aware that is many parts of the world there are such limited funds and we are keen to resource the church and Christians wherever they are.

Whilst the resources are made available at no cost to those that use them, there is a significant cost that is incurred to produce them. As such, we need ministry partners who will donate funds that will enable us to continue to produce resources and make them available as we seek to equip the church to make 1,000,000 disciples in 100 countries across the world.

As a church or individual that is using these resources we ask that you make a donation towards The Rooftop international ministry.

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