Joining Jesus Pastors coaching.

 In International Pioneer, Joining Jesus, News

Dennis Pethers, The Rooftop International Pioneer recently completed the first online session of ‘Joining Jesus’ with pastors from across Northern Kentucky in the United States.
‘Joining Jesus’ is an online coaching process for pastors who want to be equipped to make disciples who make disciples.
Dennis comments:
As I travel across the world, I meet so many pastors who are honest with me and admit that they have never been equipped to make disciples of people who are beyond the walls of the church. This is a real problem because, in a time when fewer and fewer people are coming to church, it is essential that Christians are equipped to be ‘disciple-makers’. To equip others, it is necessary for the pastors to be equipped! This is at the heart of the Joining Jesus coaching process.
The Joining Jesus coaching process is beginning to be used by pastors across the US and the continent of Africa.
For more information about how to join a group please email

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