We are reaching out to ministries across the world and asking you, through Joining Jesus 25, to  ‘partner together with Jesus’ for the completion of His Mission.

One Jesus – One Mission – One Church

Unity among the followers of Christ and the completion of Jesus’ mission are intrinsically connected and we believe His Mission WILL BE COMPLETED through ministries working in strategic collaboration, each playing their part to complete HIS MISSION.

Across the globe, there are so many ministries each with unique skills, focus and networks – sadly these ministries often work in isolation of each other and this hinders the mission of Jesus being completed.  So much more will be achieved when we each bring what we have and together seek to complete the Great Commission.

The Rooftop is a global disciple-making movement that is keen to be a part of HIS MISSION – IN COLLABORATION with ministries across the world.   As such, we are reaching out and asking you to associate with us and with each other, not for the benefit of ‘The Rooftop’ but for Jesus and the completion of His Mission.

As a partner ministry we ask, in humility, that you would complete the ‘Become a Partner Ministry’ form.

Following this as a ‘Joining Jesus 25 Partner ministry’ we ask in humility that you would:

  • Make your constituency aware of The Rooftop and our resources for equipping church leaders, and developing disciples
  • Allow us to include your logo and link on a list of partner ministries on our website
  • Include a link to The Rooftop on your website
  • Participate in online dialogue to explore how we may each participate so that the church may be most effectively equipped to complete the Great Commission.

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