The Rooftop Global Encounter starts in

Be part of the largest ever gathering of Christians.
Not in one place but with one purpose:
Not in one place but with one purpose:
The Rooftop
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“Throughout history, new technologies have aided the spread of the gospel across air, land and sea. The printing press made it possible for billions to have access to the bible and a vast array of Christian literature, broadcasting opened doors into parts of the world that had previously been unreached.
Now, alongside all of these, the internet is making it possible to communicate and co-operate in ways, and on a scale, that once could never have been imagined. Now, as Jesus prayed, we can co-operate as one church, on one mission, and make disciples across the whole globe.
Now is the time!”
Rev. Dennis Pethers
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We are organising The Rooftop Global Encounter, the world’s largest Christian gathering to realign the focus from inside the walls of church buildings to God’s work beyond the walls. To achieve this vision we are empowering Christians globally to unite on October 2, 2022 by hosting their own Rooftop Encounter with God, connecting millions at the same time.