Donate to The Rooftop International (GBP)
Donations in GBP(£) can be made to The Rooftop online using the form below, or by cheque or bank transfer using the details below:
Please note that PayPal accepts credit and debit cards. You do not have to be a PayPal member to donate using PayPal but you do in order to make recurring donations. All transactions take place on PayPal’s secure server and PayPal charge a fee of 2.4% to the receiver for each donation.
Please note that unless you specify, funds will be used where most needed.
Please send a cheque, payable to The Rooftop Ministries, to:
Bank Transfer:
Account name: The Rooftop Ministries
Account Number: 33793206
Sort Code: 20-12-21
Online donation:
Donations made
These funds will enable us to appoint Pioneers in countries across the world who will equip disciples to make disciples and, we pray, be used by God to usher in an awakening!